Friday, August 29, 2008

Time Outs Take One

Well, we've officially jumped head-first into the realm of time-outs now. I just couldn't stand the whining anymore!

The two things that jumpstarted our time-out sessions were when Jack either 1)had to come inside from playing outside when he didn't want to, or 2) didn't like the fact I wouldn't pull his beloved "boddie" (the vacuum cleaner) out of the hall closet. For some reason he absolutely loves that thing and incessantly points to the closet saying "Boddie, boddie, boddie?" Or heaven forbid I put the thing away after I'm done using'd think his whole world had just imploded!

Anyway, now that his protests have reached a more fevered pitch and tend to last longer, all of the sudden last week I decided it was time for a time-out. I hadn't really thought about a good location until that point, so I was carrying him around downstairs from wall to wall (as he's crying) looking for the perfect spot. I think we've found a good one for now...the wall that runs between our bedroom and the laundry room. There's nothing for him to play with and not much for him to see looking out from that location, so we'll go with it. I was even thinking of looking for a little mat to put down. Now I need to find a spot for the second floor, which will be harder because we have more toys upstairs.

The first time we did it, he sat there for about 3 seconds crying before trying to get up and come out into the family room. After a couple of times of putting him back against the wall, he realized he was not supposed to move and sat there for about a minute and a half. The second time I put him there, he cried, but didn't move (and hasn't since), so I think he's learned it's a no-no to move after mommy or daddy put him there.

I don't think the time-outs are necessarily changing his behaviors just yet, but I'm encouraged that he learned so quickly not to move from his spot and that he seems to be realizing it's not fun to be there. Hopefully he'll start equating that not-so-fun feeling with bad behavior here at some point! And I feel better at least trying to do something to curb the tantrums instead of just listening to them, or trying to redirect him to something else (which doesn't seem to be working too well anymore). I'm guessing we'll be changing discipline tactics pretty often here after age 2 and he really starts to assert more independence...too bad time-outs don't continue to work through the teenage years!


Kami H said...

good job! It works for us still - and just threatening going into T.O. usually works for us :)

The Wiggins Family said...

I don't know what it is with boys and vaccuum cleaners, but my son adore ours as well. The screaming is already bad.... you mean it gets worse? I can't imagine trying to discipline Zachary when he is a little older.
Your doing a great job and I'm sure Jack will understand one of these days. Carlee is still learning. Counting works for us with her. Zachary will need something different, I'm sure.
Take Care!