Friday, August 15, 2008

PT Time

No, I'm not going to make my child run the mile in under 8 minutes, but I do think I should give the ol' Potty Training a go here before baby comes just to see how far we can get. I've been delaying with Jack mainly because I didn't think he was all that ready, but the more moms I talk to about this topic, the more I think I should at least give it a try!!

Ok, so everyone who has been through this before, I need some help. What's your best tip(s)?

A girlfriend of mine suggested putting the big boy underwear on Jack with a diaper over the top of it, that way he could feel the wetness, but I wouldn't have to clean the floor. Anyone tried this?



Kami H said...

I don't want to leave a monstrously long post, so i'm just going to send you an e-mail on the subject :)

The Wiggins Family said...

With Carlee I Gave her lots to drink and had her sit on a portable potty in front of the TV and try to get the consept down. (I got this idea from Erin) I've had friends spend the whole day taking them every 15 minutes (that just seems like a long day). I've had friends let them be naked all day and clean up accidents (that just seems not too fun). Whatever you do just be patient. It took 9 months before Carlee really got it down. It seems like the more you stick to it and stay home and work on it the faster the process might go. I just go stir crazy after a while. It was my goal to have it down before Zachary came, but we ended up working on it three months after he came. That could be the reason for it taking so long. I don't know???? Like anything it will take work. I pray he catches on quick.

The Chappelles said...

Bribery (reward - sounds better) and patience.... works like a charm! Good Luck.

Unknown said...

Otto just started potty training at the beginning of August at 28 months old. It's going but we're FAR from it. We wear a diaper to bed and for naps, we wear a pull up for out of the house, and we wear underwear in the house, and we have had a little wetness on the floor but it cleaned up well, but other then that we're going. I should mention that I don't usually put underwear on Otto until he has had his dirty diaper. I am not that brave yet!

looneybinmom said...

Yeah Kami brought up a good point (in her monstrously long email :) ) that as nice as it is to get your child potty trained, diapers really aren't a bad alternative either. I'm thinking about waiting now for a few months until after baby comes to give this a try. Maybe I was getting a little ahead of myself...Thanks for the comments though, I'm sure this will come up again and it's nice to have something to go back and reference.

Jennifer said...

Okay, I know I'm late on this, but...

So I'm a little more into this potty training than Kenzie is. She's almost 2 years old, and I know it could be another year before she's potty trained, but I think she's ready. She just doesn't want to go. She'll sit on the potty all day long, but when she actually needs to go, she'll beg to get off and get a diaper. She'll tell me right before she poo's too, so I know she knows what it feels like, she's just scared to go. I've tried the diaper over the panties thing, which didn't bother her one bit, so I decided no more panties with a diaper. I've tried just the panties thing, then she'll go in them and say she's all wet. She really didn't like sitting in a puddle of it in her seat at the breakfast table... So for now, I take a couple days off, then try again. I really think she just needs to see someone her own size use the potty and she'll realize it's okay. And she's moved up to a new class at daycare, so hopefully that will help.

One thing that might help for when you do begin, sit him on the potty in the morning when he first wakes up. Kenzie tends to wake up with a dry or almost dry diaper, and within 10 minutes or so of waking up, she always goes. I hear that's normal, so you might want to try that...