Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not so ready for November 10th?

So, I'm changing my tune....a little...

In my last post, I mentioned being ok with little Anna coming a little earlier than her due date since I've been feeling so large and sore lately (and still have over 10 weeks to go). Well, I had a little bout with something last night, maybe food poisoning or an allergic reaction(?), that made me think that perhaps I'm ok with a little more time before baby comes, i.e. LABOR.

I don't really dwell on labor itself. It's just one of those unpleasant things we women have to go through, but in the end is all worth it for a precious baby (or babies). I got a reminder though of what I'm in store for again last night around 11:15. We had gone to sleep about an hour before then, and I woke up with stomach cramps that got progressively worse. You know, those oh-boy-I-ate-something-I-shouldn't-have kind of pains? Actually, these were even worse than the occasional pains I get when something doesn't agree with my stomach...within about 30 minutes I was obviously NOT going to go back to sleep and hunched over holding onto the side of the bed to steady myself. Something clearly wasn't right!

By this time I had decided that maybe some medicine was in order. As a side note, and Bob will confirm this, I rarely take medicine for anything involving the digestive track, but figured this was probably a time where some assistance might be needed. Pepto Bismol was the first thing I saw in the medicine cabinet for an upset stomach, but luckily I had enough sense to check my handy medicine list on the refrigerator for safe medicines during pregnancy, and Pepto wasn't listed (apparently it contains aspirin, which I didn't know).

Then the dizziness and clamminess started setting in. By that time, Bob was awake and scared I was having labor contractions. The bad thing was that the pain I was having was so intense that I couldn't even formulate a short "It's not labor-ate something bad" response to him when he asked what was wrong...I was just trying to breathe through the stomach cramps. And that's why I say it reminded me somewhat of labor, not because of the type of pain I was having, but because it was so intense I couldn't focus on anything else but that pain, and even tried to breathe through it like I learned in my childbirth classes! Poor Anna was kicking me like crazy too, which didn't feel particularly good at that moment...I hope she wasn't too uncomfortable herself!

Anyway, I will spare you the rest of the details, but I'm ok now. I remember having a similar reaction to something I ate back when Bob and I were dating. I had eaten a Caesar salad and within a few hours had horrible stomach cramps, dizziness, and clammy skin. Maybe an allergic reaction to something? I dunno, I'm just a meteorologist! But I have never had pain like that again until last night (and there was no Caesar salad involved).

So perhaps I'm ok with holding off a little while longer for labor since I got a little taste of it last night with the intensity of my stomach cramps :) My hats off to the women who go through childbirth naturally, because I'm looking forward to that epidural again!

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