Thursday, August 7, 2008

The joys of Toddlerhood

I think I've got a Daddy's boy on my hands now, at least in this stage of his life. Seems like ever since we got back from vacation, any time Bob leaves the house/room/general proximity of Jack, a chorus of elevated "Daddy....Daddy....Daddy" inevitably ensues. It's not so much the daddy thing that bothers me, it's the whiny pitch that goes along with it.

Now I love my child dearly of course, but this whining thing is TOUGH. I guess we're just at the stage for awhile now where any time something doesn't go Jack's way, the next 5 minutes (or sometimes longer) are spent in a mixture of high-pitched rambling sounds with some tears added in for good measure (or to make mommy feel guilty). The guilt thing doesn't work because he still gets told "no", but it sure does grate on my nerves to the point that I sometimes develop a knot on my back left shoulder, which often requires some assistance from Bob that evening to get loose.

That being said, it sure is fun at this stage to watch his personality continue to develop. He'll do things now and I look at him and think "When did you learn how to do that?" The other day for example I was heating some lunch up for him in the microwave, and when he got the plate in front of him, he proceeded to say "hot, hot" and then try to blow on the food to cool it down. Nothing earth-shattering of course, but it's little things like that which make me realize he's growing up pretty fast. I guess he's seen us blow on our food at some point, but I don't specifically remember teaching him to do that! I've got to be on my best behavior because he's apparently watching me closer than I realized :)

1 comment:

The Wiggins Family said...

Kate- You need to talk to Sherry McClure. I remember gher tellilng me about Sam doing the same kind of thing when he was around 2.
An extra tip: I know this might sound silly... but when we give Carlee food that is hot, we give her one of those dollar fans (the ones with batteries) to blow off her food for her. So she doesn't have too and so we don't have too. I know it's lazy, but it has worked great and we still get to eat a hot meal sometimes.
Jack is so adorable!