Saturday, August 9, 2008

30 minutes of freedom!!

Ok, you moms out there know how precious your free time becomes after having a baby. When I find myself with free time, unless I'm exhausted and need to nap, I try to get as much done as I can! It's amazing how my mood can improve if I can get just a small amount of time to myself to do a few things without interruption. Anyone else second that?

Bob took Jack out for about 30 glorious minutes this morning, and here's what I was able to do:

  • Quick shower, iron a shirt and shorts, thrown on some make-up
  • Swap loads of laundry
  • Clean my bathroom countertops
  • Pick up odds and ends off the floor, namely all the pairs of shoes Jack pulled out of our closet to try on
  • Finished gluing some odds and ends on curtains for the baby's room (pictures coming at a later post...I'm excited!)
I think there is some rule somewhere that you should automatically assume it will take twice the time to get things done after kids as it did before them. Now that I think about it though, before kids I probably wouldn't have gotten all of those things done in 30 minutes anyway, mainly because I moved at a slower pace and didn't fully understand how valuable free time is! I tend to work better under deadlines I guess :)

It's great to have that rare feeling of accomplishing tasks with a young child in the house! Here's wishing all my mom friends out there some time of your own to get some things done around the house...

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