Thursday, August 14, 2008

Third trimester already?

28 weeks is looming large....Time needs to slow down a little bit here for me to finish a few things before the baby comes...

Had my 27 week checkup last Monday where I got to gulp down a "margarita" (as my OB called it) of sugary orange drink in 5 minutes to do the glucose testing an hour later. All in all not too bad. She said no news was good news, and since I haven't heard anything from the doctor's office yet, I assume the test results looked good. I did have a little bit of scare though when it seemed to take forever for her to find the baby's heartbeat. Usually it takes just a few seconds to zero in on it, but this time it probably got closer to a minute or minute and a half, which really isn't that long but just seems that way when it's generally a much faster process! It was also way over on the right side too, I guess baby Anna must have found a comfy spot there at that moment.

My OB did mention that since Jack was a large baby at 9 pounds when he was born that she would consider inducing me early as long as everything looks good in the last 36 week ultrasound I have done. That sounded good to me since those last 4-5 weeks can be pretty miserable, so if I can shorten it without threatening the baby's health, that sounds lovely! Although, I've heard induced labors can be more intense...anyone have any experience with that? Jack came on his own, so I don't know myself.

I got to see my friend Heidi's new baby boy born last week and he is too precious. I can't believe we're about to enter back into the baby stage again here soon. And congrats again on your pregnancy news Kami if you're reading this!


Unknown said...

Induced with Otto, yes. Labor harder yes (but it was my first I had nothing to compare it to) but my opinion is that inducing drugs just keep the intensity without the momentary reprieve. It's not bad though. With Wren she was out in less than 5 hours after the onset of contractions.


Jennifer said...

I went into labor with Kenzie, but they ended up giving me pitocin to speed things along. I was induced with Colby. With both kids, I got my epidural very quickly though so I am happy for that. With Colby, I got the epidural before they even started the pitocin, so the only pain I felt was near the end when they told me to stop pressing the epidural button so that I could push... and on a scale from 1-10, I'd have given it a 3. For me, the pain came afterwards with Colby. I chose not to do any sort of breastfeeding at all, so my boobs got engorged... I'd give that pain an 8. Also, the fact that he was so big (9lbs 6oz, which I see that Jack was around that weight too), I was sore for a lot longer afterwards. From experience, it's a lot easier to deliver a 7 pounder than a 9 pounder.

Good luck!