Thursday, April 3, 2008

Is this day over yet?

I'm sure thankful that the can't win, pull-your-hair-out days are few and far between, because I got a nice reminder today about why those days are so aptly named.

This has definitely been the roughest teething patch Jack has had thus far with at least 3 of them (that we can see) coming in at once. It seems as if my sweet child had been crying just about the entire day today complete with fever since yesterday afternoon. We hit 4 bibs by 1pm this afternoon because he kept soaking through them with drool, so I was left scrambling trying to find dry bibs which have been scattered between the van, his backpack, the washer/dryer, the kitchen cabinet, and a few random restaurants along the way. He won't let anything frozen near his mouth, which rules out teething rings, popsicles, and any other things which might give him some relief.

The one thing I was completely, whole-heartedly looking forward to was naptime today so that he could get some rest and a break from his mouth pain and I could get a break as well. Naptime came, and then went, in the span of oh, say, 15 minutes. I figured since he got up early this morning and was worn out from the crying that he would surely sleep a good three hours, but I guess his teeth wouldn't let him sleep either despite both the Tylenol and Advil.

So the afternoon literally crept by. Jack is a pretty snuggly child, but it's rare that I have to hold him all the time to keep him happy. This was one of those days, and I got to the point where I was whipping out Baby Enstein DVD's he hasn't watched in months just to keep some peace. Luckily that worked for a while! My work schedule also added a layer of multi-tasking to the mix that was a little tough to juggle, so I think the stress knot I often get in my upper shoulder grew about 100 times today!

I think one of the worst feelings in the world is not begin able to comfort your child when they're sick or teething. I remember some of those first days after Jack came home from the hospital that I felt so bad when he cried that I would cry too. Now I know that those bad days do pass and the best we can do is to try and provide as much comfort as we can, but boy today was really hard!


Kami H said...

poor jack! Ryan would never chew on anything either...but I don't think he ever acted like he was hurting that bad either. We don't have one, but my friends use those mess bags that you can put fruit in for them to chew on - do you know what i'm talking about?

The Wiggins Family said...

I'm so sorry Kate. I feel the same way sometimes. Have you tryed Hyland's teething tablets? They are homeopathic. You can find them at any drug store. They helped with Carlee's teeth, but not so much with Zachary. I think he is teething again too. I'll be praying for Jack. Hope today is better.

Kami H said...

I meant mesh - not mess

Amy Marsters said...

Hey Kate! I was looking through my "Favorites" and came across your webpage. I am so excited to be able to keep up with you guys. Jack is SOOO cute! I hope things get better with his teething. We need to get together soon. I miss you...

looneybinmom said...

Hmm, I have not tried the Hyland's teething tablets. I think I will grab some now! And yes, I think we still have those mesh bags around somewhere Kami...the problem is I can't get close to his mouth with ANYTHING right now :(