Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The fever without a cause

We have been very blessed with a healthy child during the first 15 months of his life who has managed to escape many of the nuisance childhood sicknesses like the cold virus and ear infections. Now sure, he's had a few minor colds, but nothing too severe and so far he's yet to have an ear infection. Of course, having said that, I'll now be on the lookout for him to start tugging on his ear any second now.

He has, however, had a few of what I call "fevers without a cause", which are basically the low grade fevers that never seem to have any other symptoms associated with them, are generally gone within 24 hours, and don't require a doctor's visit. Obviously, if your child has to be sick, this is just about as ideal a situation as you can ask for, but it does make Mother's Day Out (and I imagine daycare) a little tricky because of the guidelines that often want children to be fever free for 24 hours prior to attending. Since these little fevers sometimes come and go within 24 hours, sometimes it's hard for me to decide what to do.

I often chalk it up to his teething, which is in full force with the molars coming in right now, and probably explains why I'm seeing this fever crop up again today. I've heard some doctors say the two aren't connected (same with teething and blowout diapers), but since I'm not a pediatrician, I guess I don't really know one way or the other! I hesitate to even refer to him as "sick" since I'm not even sure he really has something that is contagious (Erin, if you're reading this I'd love your opinion).

Of course these things always seem to crop up when you either want to leave town or have friends or family coming into visit. Bob's parents called last night to say they are coming into town this weekend, so I hope this otherwise symptomless fever doesn't morph into something more!

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