Monday, April 7, 2008

Our expanding Looney Bin

We're looking at approximately T-minus 217 days until the Looney Bin officially gets a little looney-er around November 10th!

I cannot tell you how hard this news has been to NOT share for the last three weeks until I could get an accurate due date from an ultrasound. We got taken a little by surprise at how quickly this pregnancy happened, but are quite thrilled that it did! This will put Jack and LittleEgg (Bob's current name for the baby...this shouldn't be a surprising name choice for those of you who know Bob) right about 23 months apart assuming the baby comes around the due date.

I was trying to think of some new ideas to write about on the blog, and boy this news sure got me over my writer's block fast! We heard the heart beat today and you can kinda make out the little leg "buds" in that circle on the left side. Now that I look at the picture again, it sorta looks like the child is doing the splits. Hmmm....perhaps this means a girl?

Anyway, I am happy to join the ranks of many of my friends right now who are also pregnant. It's a lot more fun when you have others to share it with!


Kami H said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys! Hopefully this Looney won't drive you Looney ;) You guys are going to find out the sex, right? Can't wait!

Unknown said...

I've been expecting this announcement from ya'll!!
Hope to see you in SA in June for our weekend!!

looneybinmom said...

We briefly entertained the idea of not finding out the sex, but that lasted about 3 seconds! I mean, I've got a room upstairs with white walls that is just begging to be painted and I need to know the right color :)

The Wiggins Family said...

Congratualtions Kate! That is very exciting.

Alicia said...

Hurray! Fun times! I'm right there with you... I'll let you know how the transition to two goes. ;)

Jennifer said...

Congrats! I can't wait to see blogs on how your pregnancy is going. It will be fun to compare to what I've been going through. Good luck with everything! We thought it was important to tell my daughter about our pregnancy, even though she doesn't really get it. She got to the point when you would ask where Baby Colby is, she would raise her own shirt.

Only 4 weeks to go for me. I went to the doctor on Monday and she said that it could be any day now (I think she was just trying to raise my spirits, and it worked!)

Congrats again! Hope you're feeling well and not too tired!