Monday, April 14, 2008


Well I've discovered that the "every pregnancy is different" mantra certainly seems to be true in my case. I can't say I've seen major differences yet, but I've noticed at least a few subtle differences so far at nine weeks, mostly centered around my eating habits.

With Jack I don't remember any specific cravings, I just loved any and all food. My biggest problem was eating enough to not feel hungry; it seemed like that time in between feeling full and a growling stomach approached about an hour, and once I hit those hunger pains my sole focus was the quickest way to nibble on something again. Granola/breakfast bars were great, but I felt like I could often eat a pretty well-rounded meal five to six times a day. Spicy Thai was my favorite (man I miss that restaurant) and was even the last meal I had before Jack was born.

This time around, I don't really have any specific cravings either, but I'm noticing a tendency to want salty foods like chips, pretzels, and popcorn. I usually avoid eating the original Lay's potato chips because they taste WAY too good and are so high in fat, but I've found myself a few times now partaking of them with a sandwich and boy do they hit the spot! Popcorn has also become my new best friend. We keep some in the pantry, but typically don't eat it very often, that is until I found myself pregnant again! Which brings me to my title....

While I love shopping in Target, it has become public enemy numero uno for me because of the huge vat of popcorn they always have in the front of the store. I mean how am I supposed to avoid eating too much of this stuff when that nice, salty aroma meets me as soon as I walk in the front door (where I'm usually heading for the 50th potty break of the morning)? I will say I was good this morning and walked right on by with just a longing glance, but I feel my resistance is quickly become a futile endeavor...

The other change I've noticed this time around are more pangs of nausea. I say "pangs" because it's not typically a feeling that lasts a long time, it just comes and goes, typically in the evening. I have noticed one trigger though that I've started avoiding: foods with a heavy onion or garlic flavor to them. Bob took me out for a nice dinner at P.F. Chang's the other evening, and while I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner, I was miserable the rest of the evening because of a lingering garlic taste in my mouth. I must have brushed my teeth and tongue four or five times hoping to get that taste to subside, but to no avail. As a result, I felt nauseated just about the entire evening, and even woke up a few times in the middle of the night feeling that way. So for now, heavy garlic and onion (and my spicy Thai food) are out, I'm very saddened to say. Guess I'll have to stick to the blander popcorn, pretzels, and chips (but not too many).

1 comment:

The Wiggins Family said...

I had the same garlic adversion when I was pregnant with Carlee. I wonder if your having a girl?? I think we all need one of each. hahaha