Monday, April 21, 2008

Big Tent Revival

For me the most awkward time of pregnancy is that approximate 10-14 week span (give or take a little depending on body type) where you start getting uncomfortable in your regular clothes, but don't quite have the cute belly going yet to start to fill out maternity clothes. As a result, you look like you either a) have never looked in a mirror, b) don't know how to size your clothes correctly, c) take "comfortable clothing" to an extreme, d) prefer wearing a tent, or e) some combination of the above.

I'm approaching week eleven and yes, the clothes (really my pants, jeans, etc) are starting to get a wee bit tight. So my big-tent-revival moment came this past Sunday morning when I hauled out my box of maternity clothes that had been blissfully stored away in the recess of my closet. Of course right now, just about every one of those shirts looks like a fancy tent with a tieback just hanging off my body. Am I really going to fill these things out again?

Thankfully tentware has come quite a long way since our moms had to wear it. At least now we can looked reasonably stylish throughout pregnancy, well, most of pregnancy! After nine months you're just big, and there's no getting around that fact with cute clothes. But until that time, once you begin to really look pregnant, at least there are a lot of options out there to help you feel a little less moo-moo-ish.

I didn't try the belly bands when I was pregnant with Jack...anyone out there have good luck with them? I might just have to invest in a few pieces of regular clothing a size bigger until I get more of a belly :)


The Wiggins Family said...

Oh my Kate, you must get a belly band. It works wonders. You are able to wear your regular clothes longer or wear maturity clothes without the hassle of keeping them on. Totally worth the $16.00. You can wear it at the end too, when baby is pushing everything down. I got the white one and it looked cute under shirts or tanks, plus it didn't show the huge maturnity band that says, "Hey look I am wearing maturnity clothes!"

looneybinmom said...

Good deal...I like the thought of covering up that maternity band too!