Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cruel and unusual punishment

Well, I believe summer is just about here now in Houston given the warm, humid afternoons and temperatures that don't fall out of the 70's at night anymore. Bob and I both mentioned that it "felt like Texas" yesterday as the air conditioners in our cars took a while longer to cool the car down, and of course it's just going to get warmer from here. Anyway, my parent's pool is starting to look mighty good now, so you know what that means...time to shop for a bathing suit, oh boy!

Typically I've just gone with the usual suit that I've used for the last, oh, number of years which shall remain nameless so that I avoided the dreaded swimsuit shopping excursion that is quickly becoming inevitable this year. Think about many of us enjoy looking for a suit even during our most glamorous years when everything is located in the right position vertically on our body? Even then it can still feel like a daunting task to find something allowing us to hold onto some shred of modesty while still looking at least a little hip and stylish.

Ok, so now let's talk about not only shopping for a swimsuit any old time, but during the first trimester when you're 1) not feeling especially great anyway and 2) know the belly women so often seek to minimize in a bathing suit is only going to get bigger and more unminimizable (I believe I made that word up) from here on out. So maybe this wouldn't quite hold up in a court of law as cruel and unusual punishment, but hey, on a very small level it sure feels that way!

I'm exaggerating here, but you get my point: pregnancy and eagerly awaiting the swimsuit shopping experience just don't go together in my world. Of course I realize that the blessing of a growing baby way outweighs any insecurity over how I will look in a suit, and this really isn't something I'm dwelling on, I just thought someone out there could probably relate. Plus, I've seen lots of beautiful, pregnant women at the beach who looked great (though I wouldn't have made some of the same suit choices). And buoyancy is a beautiful thing when the belly gets large, so that alone makes me realize I just need to get out and find a suit so I can start enjoying the pool with Jack soon! Bring on the one-pieces :)


E said...

I think pregnacy is the perfect time to not worry about how you look in a suit and know that everyone will just think you are cute because you have a cute tummy to show off (at least you have an excuse to have a tummy, for me it is just lack of exercise.) So, go for it, enjoy it, in 8 months, you won't have an excuse anymore!

looneybinmom said...

Great point Erin, I should have looked at it that way!

By the way, Old Navy has cute boys swim suits right now if anyone is looking. I'm still looking for myself!