Saturday, March 8, 2008

Homeschool, private, or public education?

I was looking for a new topic to write on the last day or so and one finally fell into my lap while checking up on the news this morning: What are your plans for your kids' education? Have you considered homeschooling or do you plan to enroll them in a public or private school?

This topic stemmed from an article talking about how a California appeals court ruled that parents without teaching credentials could no longer homeschool their children. Parents that continue to homeschool their children without proper credentials could be subject to "truancy violation, which could require community service, heavy fines and possibly removal of their children under allegations of educational neglect." Now, why am I not surprised that of all our 50 states, this happened in California?

I hadn't really thought much about it myself until we moved back to Texas and I began talking to a lot of moms in the Spring/Woodlands area who are homeschooling or plan to homeschool their kids for various reasons. That got me to thinking about Jack and what kind of education experience I'd like him to have. Like any other parent I want the best for him in terms of learning what he needs to know to be a productive citizen and the extracurricular opportunities to develop an athletic or musical talent (or underwater basket weaving). It's just all the other junk in public schools that makes me see why so many moms have decided to go the homeschooling route (and private school isn't cheap). That being said, I went to a great public high school and seemed to turn out ok, and Jack's going to have to figure out we're living in a fallen world sometime.

While I do enjoy teaching, I don't think I could homeschool myself because of one subject: history. Please know I have no intention of offending you history buffs out there, it's just that I don't find treaties and wars particularly interesting and would find it tough to teach that subject with any kind of enthusiasm to my child(ren). I much prefer science and math to history, after all we meteorologists live in the future world of weather prediction. Some might argue we don't live very well in that future realm and we'd be well served to live in the past to learn from our mistakes, but that's another (long) topic for a different post. :)

In all seriousness though, have you thought much about what education route you'd like your kids to take (assuming you don't live in CA)?


Kami H said...

Home school is out for us. Will probably do public. Private is still possible in my mind, although, I'm not sure it is in Brandon's. Still time...we will see. :)

Brittany B said...

As a public school teacher...
homeschool is a big taboo for me. I have seen first hand how students learn so much from each other. The teacher (me) is often there just to facilitate and guide. I suppose if homeschool is done right it will provide a wonderful education, but there cannot possibly be as much socialization. A friend of my family is a police officer says there is an overwhelming population of people in prisons and other state institutions that were homeschooled. Research has shown that SOMETIMES they just don't know how to cope with being in society. And like you said, homeschooled or not the children will have to deal with the world eventually.

looneybinmom said...

Yeah, my first question with homeschooling was where the kids learn the necessary skills of socialization if they're in the home all the time. A friend of mine who homeschools said she and other moms plan time for their kids to get together during the week on field trips an lab experiments so they do have an outlet to learn at least some interpersonal skills with their peers, but I would still be concerned that it's not enough.

The Wiggins Family said...

I have been thinking about this a lot recently since Carlee is three. I went to public, private and homeschooled. All of it was good, but I give major credit to my mom for knowing what was best for me at the time. I needed all these experiences to be who I am today. I know God will give me wisdom and discernment when it comes to my children and what they need. I think Carlee will do fine in public, but she gets a little distacted be others. Who knows it could all change in a few years. Just pray about it and let the Lord lead you Kate. I know you will make the right decision when it comes time.

Raymond said...

I am a homeschool father, and surprised by the comments here. More homeschoolers end up in jail? Seriously?
Look at the facts:

Bottom line is that you can be a poor teacher that really cares and do better for your kids than the highly certified public school system. It is just the system. Socialization always gets brought up. My kids are in multiple groups of kids every week. My son was just asked to represent his community college by the dean. Check the facts, not the hype.