Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A lefty or a righty?

I can't tell you how many times I've seen Jack use his left hand to feed himself and pick up all sorts of objects. That got me wondering if there was a good (or any) chance he'd end up a lefty even though both Bob and I are right handed...

A cursory Google search gave me some insight into the world of hand preference. It seems only about 10% of the population is left handed, and no one is 100% sure what completely influences hand preference. Genetics seem to play a role, but a number of theories (including some that seem a little silly) abound like the one hypothesizing all humans are meant to be right handed, but early brain damage leads to left-handedness. Yeah, nothing like telling 10% of the population their left-handedness is a sign of brain damage...

Apparently most young children use both their left and right hands under the age of two with true hand preference showing up around the 2-3 year mark , so it's still too early to tell with Jack. I saw one pediatrician mention that some kids remain ambidextrous up until 5 or 6 and then choose. The other point of note said that left-handedness tends to show up slightly more frequently in boys than girls, so perhaps I will get a lefty after all!

At least with the proliferation of personal computers, hand preference seems to matter less now in terms of handwriting legibility if kids can just get through kindergarten and elementary school. My husband would be thrilled if Jack (or any future sons) were left handed because of one thing: pitching. Apparently MLB lefty pitchers make lots of moola, so we could retire early :)

What about you, when did you notice hand preference in your kids?

1 comment:

Kami H said...

Hey! The only preference Ryan shows right now is that he sucks his left thumb. But like you said - too early to tell. I sucked my right thumb and I'm right handed - but not sure if that means anything either. Time will tell...