Friday, March 14, 2008


Now this is what I was really going to write about today before my mind went blank! I need some more advice again, and you moms who have blazed this trail before me seem to have some great ideas, so bring them on!

The church where my MOPS group meets has a great reputation for their Mother's Day Out/preschool program. A lot of the moms in this group currently have one or more of their kids enrolled in the weekday ministries program (their umbrella term for MDO/preschool) and just rave about the teachers and how much their kids enjoy their time there. The church is currently registering kids for next fall.

Jack is 15 months right now, so in September he'll be near the 21 month old mark. They offer a 2 day a week, 9am to 1pm option for kids under 2 years. The way I see it, here are the possible reasons I (or another mom) might come up with for utilizing something like this: I feel I need a break, I feel like Jack needs more "socializing" opportunities since he's currently without siblings, and/or I feel like there is something he'd be missing out on learning-wise if he didn't attend.

If I'm honest in evaluating these reasons for our situation, I just don't see how any of them warrant me putting him into Mother's Day Out at this point. As much as a 4 hour block of time free from changing a diaper, slipping on toys on the kitchen floor, and crying when I leave the room sounds absolutely fantastic, I'd miss my buddy!! I have a hard enough time leaving him up at my church for a 2 hour break for bible study even though I know he's very well looked after. Plus, I do feel like I have other outlets like this bible study and my MOPS group to give him time away from me and around other kids. And, he's only 15 months, how much "socializing" does he really need? Finally, after chatting with my sister who works up at a daycare, there's nothing a 2 year old (or less) can learn for a few hours away from mom that he/she can't learn staying at home with good old mom. I guess I just don't want to get sucked into that my-child-knew-swahili-by-the-time-he-could-walk stuff, but I admit it's hard not too.

Anyway, after thinking about this for a few days, I just don't think it's a good fit for Jack for the above reasons. Maybe we'll evaluate again for the following year.

How about you ladies (or gents)? Did you start your kids early into any kind of scheduled Mother's Day out or preschool program? Why or why not?


Kami H said...

Hey! I understand the quandary. We went through the very same questions recently. I honestly hadn't even considered it until everyone I know with kids his age started were going to do it and asking if we were too. We decided that FOR US we are going to wait until he is three (or close to three) to do the preschool thing. While I do think there are a lot of positive reasons for it (as you mentioned), we just feel it is too young for him. He has several other social opportunities that I feel are appropriate for his age. He will be in school for so long and I don't want to start the burn out too soon. I don't think it will make him any smarter than he will be without. And honestly, being "smart" is not the only thing that matters to me - my definition of success is different than a lot of folks. He is (or will be) only two. Once we have another child, that might be more of a compelling reason to get some one on one time with the baby. I think this is a family by family decision and I do not by any means think it is wrong or bad to put young kids in preschool - this is just the decision we made for our family.

The Guess Family said...

I feel all the same things! Although I sometimes long for moments away, I actaully get REALLY sad about the prospect of commiting to something that will keep my girls away from me on a regular basis. I know those days will be required all to soon! Also, for us, if you add up the cost of 3 years of MDO/Preschool before kindergarten, it is ALOT of that could be invested into a college fund to grow for 18 years. The girls are getting structred classes on Sunday morning and on bible study days, and Addison is starting ballet when she turns 3. I think that is enough for us now.