Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jack versus the Highchair

Well, we're getting a little closer to walking each day now, but still no jackpot (haha) yet. As I briefly mentioned in a previous post, one of the things we have enjoyed most in Jack's journey toward vertical, self-propelled forward movement has been his fascination with pushing the highchair all over the house. And, if you watch the video, you'll see I'm not kidding when I say all over the place. The video starts out in the living room, but that was after a few minutes of tooling around the kitchen as well. He's even gotten it back in our master bedroom, which involves a sharp 90 degree turn.

Now, please understand that I have tried to get him to push all sorts of OTHER things around, which he happily complies with. The small lawnmower is another favorite, and believe me, we will capitalize on that once he can push the real thing around. He even pushes flattened books around if he can overcome the friction from our carpet. However, the highchair remains his all-time favorite, unfortunately to the detriment of my cabinets, walls, and toes during dinner.

It's the quirks that make our kids so endearing though :)

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