Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy belated Easter!

I hope everyone had a great Easter this past weekend. We took Jack up to our church and did his first Easter Egg hunt on Saturday before worship service. He had a good time, but after he got about four eggs in his basket, he started taking them out of the basket and putting them on the ground. Huh?? He must be the first child in the history of Easter egg hunts to unload his basket of goodies! I'm sure next year things will be very different :)

Sunday evening we had lunch at my parent's house. My sister and her kids came over to play and we snapped a couple pictures of Jack with a toy golf club set (last picture). Perhaps we're looking at the next Tiger Woods in the making?

1 comment:

The Wiggins Family said...

Hunting for eggs next year will be different. Carlee loaded a few eggs in her basket and said she was done, but saw how many were still on the ground and then began filling her basket some more. I think we had about 25 or so eggs total.
Your family is precious. I love the pictures.