Tuesday, December 9, 2008

At last...

Now that I've got a few minutes to actually sit down and type a blog post, I thought I would let everyone know I'm still alive and kicking. It's been so long since I've typed a post that the history in my web browser didn't even have the blog listed anymore....

Jack is upstairs sleeping and I finally managed to slowly move Anna off of me and onto the couch so that I could get up and get some things done. That's usually a three step process which involves a lot of soft, frantic praying that goes something like, "Please don't let her wake up, please don't let her wake up!!" She's decided she's not a fan of the swing or her bed and that sleeping on someone is much better than sleeping anywhere else. Needless to say, free time has become even more of an anomaly around these parts.

Unfortunately, she's also decided that she likes to take her long sleep stretches from about 6-10PM and then 10:30PM to 2:30AM or so, which leaves me struggling to get her back down to bed after the 2-3AM feeding. So, while I know she can go for four (and a few times five) hour stretches between feedings, unfortunately it doesn't coincide very well with MY sleep schedule. Such is life with an infant.

Just a few other observations from life with two kids instead of one:
  • The "baby stupids", or MBS, has returned and is exponentially worse
  • Sleep deprivation has left me with no short-term memory
  • It IS more than twice the work-gotta divide and conquer!
  • No matter how hard I plan, I will NOT get to eat a meal when I would like to
  • Bye bye punctuality
  • The dryer is still unmerciful when it comes to eating baby socks
  • At some point during the day, one of my children WILL cry because there is only one of me and two of them
  • In the battle of Kate versus the clutter, the clutter is winning hands down
  • You MUST bring a snack or coloring book or some kind of distraction to a doctor's appointment to have any hope of maintaining quasi-control of your toddler
  • Watching siblings interact is a treat (at least until they start fighting, right?)
  • My husband is a wonderful father and I love my family to pieces!
I've got more to write about, but I hear Jack crying upstairs and Anna stirring on the couch...now, which one to pick up first? :)

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