Thursday, December 18, 2008

The big 2

Jack officially has the title to match the attitude...he's a two-year old now! Although I wanted to do a bigger party, we just did a small party last weekend with our small group to keep the sanity and it turned out pretty well. I'm still pretty new to the realm of little kid's birthday parties, so the amazement has not worn off at how few presents the honorary child actually gets to open because all of the other kids "help" open the presents! It was lots of fun though and somehow I only came away with a few spots of red icing on one our kitchen chairs...the damage could have been much worse!

He's also graduated to his own Mickey Mouse Clubhouse backpack that makes him look so darn old...where has the time gone?

Anyway, here are a few pictures!
Sitting on the bike for the first time...
Getting the hang of this bike thing...kinda...
Yay, red icing....(I was thinking Mickey colors for icing, and did not consider stain potential...big mistake)The kids "helping" Jack open...Two going on 18....

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