Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A case of the Mommy Brain: Yogurt == Sour Cream

I'm fairly confident that most of us moms out there remember how pregnancy and the sleep deprivation that followed our baby's deliveries led us to shed at least half of our IQ points and become afflicted with the dreaded "Mommy Brain Syndrome".

The Mommy Brain Syndrome, or MBS for short, is just a fancy name for what I always called the "baby stupids" (hey, it's fun to take an adjective and try to make it a noun sometimes right?) Anyway, MBS most often presents with symptoms of memory loss, mismatched clothing (you and your children), poor vocabulary, etc. If you've ever come home and put your produce in the pantry and your cereal boxes in the refrigerator, then yes, you too have at some point battled this syndrome. Perhaps you're still struggling!

While MBS has littered my path to motherhood with all sorts of silly stories, one story in particular stands out in my mind. Bob's parents were in town last year to visit Jack, and my mother-in-law and I decided we were going to make her yummy spinach dip recipe for dinner. This spinach dip recipe uses about half a cup of sour cream, so we picked that up at the store as well as some other odds and ends, including yogurt for Jack.

I fed Jack some of his yogurt for a snack, and put the rest back in the refrigerator for another time. A few hours later, I started working on the spinach dip and pulled out the sour cream. I was pretty frustrated when I pulled the lid off of the sour cream and the safety seal had already been broken on it, plus it looked like some of the sour cream was already gone! I asked Cindy (my mother-in-law) if she had used some of it already, hoping that I wasn't going to have to run back to the store. Then the little light bulb went off: I had fed Jack the sour cream instead of his yogurt! That explained a lot about the reaction he had on his face when I gave him his first bite, but like the little trooper he is, he kept eating it anyway. Yuck!

In my defense, I will say that the Kroger brand 8 oz sour cream container is shaped very much like a yogurt container. The rest of it I totally blame on MBS. Cindy and I had a good long chuckle over that one.

What's your funniest Mommy Brain story?

1 comment:

Tuck said...

When Tressa was little, mom Mom fixed her a big glass of orange juice. She drank some, screwed up her face and started crying and said, "Nini, I don't like that kind!" Mom looked, and it was White House Apple Cider Vinegar... which came in the exact same jug with as a similar label as their apple juice. Moral of the Story: Some one will be telling your sour cream story on you 20 years from now! ;-)