Sunday, February 17, 2008

Curly hair and haircuts

Back when I was pregnant with Jack, I used to wonder what he was going to look like..would it be like me or like Bob? Would he get my skin tone or Bob's? Blue or green eyes? But I can tell you that without a doubt, I always knew his hair would be some variation of wavy to curly. He never stood a chance whatsoever to have anything close to straight hair because of his parent's genes (I have curly hair, my husband has wavy hair). In fact, Bob's was pretty curly when he was a kid as well.

Jack's hair is just precious when it grows out a little bit. He gets these beautiful little blonde ringlets, especially in back when he's fresh out of the bathtub. However, there comes a time when these beautiful little ringlets begin to get a little longer and unruly. And since I have no desire to make my child look like a greaseball from gel at age 14 months (he can do that himself when he's in middle school), I have conquered my fears of pulling out the scissors and giving him a haircut now and again.

The beauty of curly hair (as I found out on myself after many disappointing haircuts) is that it's pretty forgiving if you (the non-professional stylist) need to snip a little more off the ends. If it's too long, you can scrunch it more, and it if it's too short, you can stretch it out. It's also great for Jack because hey, I'm not a professional, and let's just say sometimes I don't always get every hair cut the same length (oops). I can blend that small section in with the rest of his hair and voila, he looks great!

I do admit to wondering if the mohawk look for would work for him (as evidenced by the picture above), but so far I'm not seeing it :)


Jennifer said...

I have tried my hand at cutting my daughter's bangs, as I find it completely ridiculous to pay someone to cut such a small amount of hair. Well, I've been told to never touch her hair again, so this last time we went professional. My haircut lady was sweet enough to give it to us for free since it was her first professional haircut. I think I'll try one more time before I completely give up.

looneybinmom said...

I'm with you Jen...the cost of a haircut for so little hair is pretty ridiculous! My sister took her son over to a place where the kids can watch videos while they get their haircut, which is a great distraction, but then charged her $15. However, I should probably invest in a good set of scissors and/or electric trimmer if I want to continue doing it as he gets older and you can really see how good a job I did or didn't do!