Sunday, November 2, 2008

T-minus 12 hours and counting....

Well, so far tomorrow is looking like a go for my induction. My doctor told me she would call this evening if things were looking like there wouldn't be a bed available, but so far I haven't heard from her as of about 7:20. We'll know for sure though tomorrow morning at 5AM when I get up to call the hospital.

I hesitate to say I'm "ready", because you're never really ready for another child (or your first), but I do feel a lot more confident this time. I got all of the laundry done, Bob mowed the grass, we hit the grocery store this evening, and my toenails are a pretty shade of pink. Hey, if the rest of me is going to be a mess tomorrow, at the least my toenails can look good, right?

We're trying to enjoy our nice quiet house one last time this evening before heading to bed and getting up early tomorrow morning to start this new journey. I hope I can manage to sleep at least some of the time!

I'll post some pictures when I can...Looking forward to meeting you miss Anna!

1 comment:

The Wiggins Family said...

Wow, Kate! I can't believe the time has come. Being a mother of two is great. I pray for everything to go as smoothly as possible... that God would give you peace and the strength for tomorrow. Love you and God Bless! Can't wait to meet darling Anna!