Saturday, November 8, 2008

My "twins"

Greetings from the land of sleep-deprivation! I can't believe baby Anna has already been with us almost five days. She is such a precious little baby, I don't know why I was so concerned about having a girl because this child is simply wonderful. I've already had visions of fixing her hair and playing dress-up!

Labor and delivery was 110% better this time and I credit that to the many people who prayed for us during this time. I cannot thank you enough...this entire experience has been about as good as it can get. The hospital nurses were wonderful, I really liked my doctor this go around, labor and delivery overall was just easier this time, etc, etc. So far the biggest problem (and it's little in the grand scheme of things) has been some jaundice, but that's about it. Hmmm, maybe I could do this one more time :) No, I've decided to reserve judgement on any more kids until Anna is at least a year old.

I will say so far that I'm really glad we timed Jack and Anna the way we's been a huge help that he can entertain himself fairly well with her at home. I think it would be difficult to have a 12-month old AND a new baby, but I know moms do this all the time.

Anyway...the "twins" crack is because of the amazing facial similarities between Jack and Anna. The first words out of my mouth when I saw Anna were "She looks just like Jack". So to prove my point, I took a picture of her right after we got home from the hospital in the same infant seat we brought Jack home in. See what you think.


The Wiggins Family said...

Wow! I can not believe how much they look alike. How crazy! She is a beauty! Can't wait to meet her. So glad to hear prayers have been answered. Hallelujah! See you soon with some food.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! That's amazing! They are both beautiful babies! I can't wait to meet Anna and for you to meet McKenna... I see a play date in the near future. Congrats on the new baby girl!