Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Who turned up the tantrums?

Wow. I think in the last week alone something has taken over my child and flipped the volume switch on his tantrum level. It used to top out in the fingernails-on-chalkboard level of annoyance, but now it's to the point sometimes where I want to poke out my eyeballs...

I'm glad I got pregnant well before this stage, because let's just say I wouldn't be too keen on it right now while witnessing the full force of a 22-month-old throwdown in timeout. Yikes.

My MOPS group was discussing the various roles moms take on this morning and which were our favorite and least favorite. I have to say that hands down, at least right now, I really don't enjoy the disciplinarian role at all. Of course I know it has to be done, but it can be mentally exhausting sometimes to fight battles constantly.

But I do love my Jack to bits, and I know this season will pass. My sister mentioned she saw a real difference in the level of tantrums in her daughter around 3 1/2 to 4 years, so the countdown is on :)

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