Friday, October 17, 2008

Bummed and not so bummed

I was looking forward to my last ultrasound today at about 37 weeks, but unfortunately (for me at least) my doctor had run to the hospital next door to deliver another one of her patients, so I had to settle for the regular ol' visit of a trip to the bathroom, check of blood pressure, and listening to Anna's heartbeat. It was tough for the nurse to find today because she was squirming all over the place!

So I was a little bummed that the ultrasound got bumped back until next week, but I totally understand why of course. The good news was that I had somehow dropped 2 pounds from my last does that work?? I figured I must have had some extra water weight the last time I got weighed that wasn't there today. I remember yo-yo'ing back and forth with gaining and losing weight the last 4 weeks with Jack too. At least that made up for some of the disappointment of not doing the ultrasound :)

24 days and counting...unless I get scheduled for an induction earlier!!

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