Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Too much pink!

My wonderful sister and mom hosted a baby shower for me this past Sunday, and let's just say the theme was pink, pink, and more pink! I guess that's what happens when you have a little girl, huh?

I am still slowly adjusting to this new world of pinks and purples after almost 2 years of looking at various shades of blues, greens, grays, and reds. It's a nice change for sure, and little girl clothes sure are a lot more fun to shop for! A few of the shower gifts included some little bows for her hair. I set them up in Jack's bathroom (or should I say the kids' bathroom) after the shower and they looked so out of place next to all of Jack's pirate toys! Of course if Anna is anything like Jack, she won't have much hair to begin with anyway...

My sister did a great job of planning some games, including one where everyone had to draw a picture of baby Anna on the back of a paper plate while the plate was perched on top of their heads. It's not as easy as it sounds to draw something that even remotely resembles a baby this way, as evidenced by many pictures with limbs detached from the trunk of the body. Let's hope baby Anna doesn't really look like that!! My 90+ year old grandmother actually did one of the best drawings...she's simply amazing :)

I've avoided taking too many pictures while pregnant for obvious reasons, but figured I should get a couple now while I still can. I tried to find one I took at about the same time with Jack for comparison, but can't seem to find it amongst all the pictures we have on the computer now. Anyway, I think my new nickname should be "The Belly", kinda like the supermodel Elle McPherson (or however you spell her name) is just known as the "The Body".

Overall, I had a lovely time, thanks again to my friends and family for making it a special time! I'm sure baby Anna would thank you too if she could break away long enough from using her mom as a punching bag :)