Saturday, October 18, 2008

A tale of two nurseries

So now that I'm approaching the Anna-can-come-any-time-she-wants point, my to-do list has suddenly taken on a new urgency. I had been meaning to snap a few pictures of her nursery for a while now, but after a few showers her floor was littered with diaper boxes and clothes that needed to get put away (and did thanks to my Mom).

We've also since gotten the carpet replaced in our master bedroom closet, which I mentioned a while back will be Anna's new room for a while after she gets home, mainly so I don't have to climb stairs in a groggy state a bunch of times during the night to nurse her. So the pack-n-play is now set up on one end and ready to go for her! Still need to move a glider back there though...

Anyway, it is quite the tale of two nurseries when you see the pictures...the master closet is bland and undecorated, her nursery upstairs is colorful, etc. I went with the green and purple after I bought some plain green drapery panels along with Anna's furniture and just went with a flower theme to keep things simple and not too baby-ish. Hopefully we won't have to change much for a while as she gets older going this route, but who knows!

Thanks to my sister-in-law Kate (the other Kate Looney) for helping me the right shade of green!

Pretty crib...
Not so pretty, but functional crib....


Unknown said...

What a beautiful room!!
Can't wait to "meet" Anna!
Love ya

starlightmommy said...

LOVE LOVE.....the purple and green...Wren's room is still very blah! ALL Whitish but someday maybe I will get it painted.