Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why it's worth it to carry around a spare set of clothes for young kids

I'm writing this now from home, but I should have been shopping at the Container Store this afternoon. Actually, I was shopping at the Container Store this afternoon, but let's just say things didn't go as planned.

I'm on a mission to find some large containers of some kind to put Jack's books in for his room so they won't be scattered all over the place. I've got a few of the nicer wicker/woven type baskets, but if he pulls on them hard enough, I've found some shards of wicker in my carpet that I don't want him eating anytime soon (even though I am looking for ways to introduce more fiber in his diet).

So, after checking Walmart yesterday and just not finding anything that really jumped out at me, I thought, "This is a great excuse for me to go look around the Container Store!" I don't shop there too often even though I love just about everything in it, mainly because the prices are a little high. But, it's fun to go look around every once in a while and I figured that would kill some time this afternoon.

I put Jack in the cart and we began walking up and down the aisles. Ironically, I stopped to look at a cute but relatively small tote bag and thought to myself, "Maybe I could put all of Jack's stuff in this thing instead of his large backpack....after all, I can't remember the last time I really needed the spare set of clothes I keep in that thing." Bingo, as if on cue, I hear the most awful gurgling noise coming from my sweet baby boy complete with the I'm-going-potty or I'm-blowing-some-serious-wind look on his face. Unfortunately it was the former, and sure enough it came up his back, out the top of the diaper, and all over the shopping cart.

So, as any calmly mortified mother would do, I walk (ok, race) the shopping cart back out the front door with Jack and head for the car, where I was never so happy to see his bulky backpack with a clean set of clothers, diapers, and plenty of wipes. I'll spare you the details, but I needed every single one! I put Jack in his car seat, cleaned the shopping cart, and walked it back into the store. The worst part was having to ask the cashier for some disinfectant spray so I could finish cleaning the cart, but hey, I wasn't about to leave that thing for someone else to touch!! She was very nice about the entire thing.

Needless to say, I learned that until my son is 30, I'm going to carry around a spare set of clothes :)


Brittany B said...

You are wonderful for cleaning up the cart! I think just about every mom I know would have just left it for next person. Thanks for the laugh. You are such a good writer!

Kami H said...

I need to do a better job of keeping an extra clothes set around. At least in the car - thanks for making me think about it!

Sarah said...

That's seriously funny (for those of us who didn't have to clean it up, at least...) :)