Monday, February 25, 2008

Random Thought #3: The Thanksgiving love is officially gone from my household

So that this post makes a little more sense, keep in mind that I (the 3rd generation Aggie) married a Longhorn. So for 364 days out of the year, we're the loving married couple we should be, but that changes for the A&M/UT football game played each year after Thanksgiving.

I was just browsing the Chronicle online and noticed that apparently A&M and UT are going to play their yearly post-Turkey Day game on Thanksgiving Day instead for the next two years. Whohoo...can't get better than good eats and good college football right? The downside though is that a day which should be unified around thanksgiving will now be divided in the Looney Bin household because of school rivalry.

Of course, my husband's answer when I showed him the article was "Yeah, I know", complete with the what-rock-have-you-been-hiding-under look. He watches SportsCenter like I watch the Weather fact if you turn the TV on at our house, it's a pretty safe bet one of those two channels was the last one watched.

I must say it's been nice to see the Aggies beat Texas the last two years in a row. Usually on the Friday after Thanksgiving I find myself sitting in a room full of my husband's (and mine I suppose) Longhorn buddies while they spout off every Aggie joke known to man in between their discussions of why ALL college football broadcasters are so obviously biased against Texas. Pride goeth before the fall, or something like that...

I say all of this in good fun of course, so Kami, Elizabeth, and/or Mandy (and any other Longhorn reading this), please know that I am big enough to root for your team too, but only 364 days a year :)


Tuck said...

Texas-Texas A&M and the Dallas Cowboys on the same holiday? Talk about your cultural wastelands!!!

looneybinmom said...

Green isn't your best color Tuck :)