Monday, February 4, 2008

Diaper Genie/Champ: Friend or Foe?

For those of you out of the diaper stage with your kids, you've probably happily forgotten (or are still trying to forget) the endless string of diaper changes you performed until the kids became potty trained. The makers of the diaper genies/champs, which IMHO are basically glorified trash cans for $30, try to help us diaper-changing parents out with one place to put all those stinky diapers that will lock in the stink. And I will say that while Jack was very young, the diaper champ I received as a baby shower gift DID come in handy.

That all changed when I stopped nursing him and he began eating the solid foods. It's at this point the stink quotient from messy diapers goes up exponentially, especially once a child hits the meats. So, instead of being able to go 3-4 days before changing the diaper genie because it was full (which is the point of having one in the first place or so I thought), it needed to be changed every day because the diaper(s) stunk so badly! Now that begins to defeat the purpose of having one, right?

So I changed my tactic. Messy diapers got put immediately into a plastic grocery bag and tossed outside, and I reserved the diaper champ for wet ones only. This works great until someone (hint hint Bob :) ) forgets and one of the stinkers gets tossed in the champ. In the span of about 5 minutes my son's room reeks of stinky diapers. Now, in Bob's defense, I will say that since Jack was born, he has changed the vast majority of the champ trash bags, and words cannot even begin to describe how badly some of them smelled. So I don't complain too much when one accidentally gets tossed in there now. As a side note, I say this completely tongue-in-cheek because I am not an advocate of torture, but sticking someone's head in a bag full of messy diapers could probably break just about anyone.

Now my beef with the champ is that the champ itself has begun to stink, and I'm not sure if I can reverse this process. I'm to the point where it's debatable whether the thing is even useful...perhaps I should drag it outside with some bleach and hose it down, because Lysol isn't working!

Anyone have any feelings one way or the other about the diaper genie or diaper champ?


Kami H said...

We still use ours for wet diapers. We do the same thing you do for the dirty ones. But like you said, is probably just as good as a trash can - Except toddlers can't get into it

looneybinmom said...

Ah, didn't think about the fact that at least Jack won't be able to get into it like a regular trash can...perhaps it is worth a dousing in bleach.