Well, the day didn't start off fun...you know you're in for a long day with a two-year-old when the first time-out is at 6:30AM!! But it definitely got better from there...we ran to Wally World by 7:30AM to grab some decorations for the kids' wagon before our neighborhood Fourth of July parade. Next it was on to Kroger at 8AM to grab a few things for dessert for the evening (more on that later). By 9:30AM we had made it home and decorated the wagon for the kids before heading up to our neighborhood clubhouse to wait for the parade to start. We basically walked about halfway down the main drag of the subdivision and back along with about 200 other parents and their kids.

By 10:30AM we had worked up a good sweat and it was time to head home. We had some lunch, let the kids nap, and then headed to Grammie and Paw-Paw's for some good eats and swimming (in 90 degree water)...oh, and the Wii. Dinner was fabulous...the smoked brisket from HEB was delicious and mom made her potato salad, deviled eggs, and homemade BBQ sauce. I grabbed some corn and we had a Fourth of July feast. Dessert was a recipe from my mother-in-law called "All Seasons Lemon Trifle". YUM-O. It's basically layers of angel food cake, fresh fruit, and lemon yogurt/cool whip. Oh yeah....and that's all topped with toasted coconut. That and some Mario Kart sessions on the Wii left us all in a mighty good mood. Well, at least until our neighbors set off an obnoxious amount of fireworks in the street behind us. And no, I'm not a ba-hum-bug when it comes to fireworks, I just have two young children now that I want to STAY asleep. Thankfully, they did. Bob and I on the other hand didn't get to bed until pretty late. Oh well.
All in all, a great day!!

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