Monday, July 27, 2009

PTC: Day 2

Day 2 started off a bit better than Day 1, mainly because I was feeling a little more confident in what to expect for the day.

My sister and her kids came over for the morning, which was a great distraction. In fact it was TOO good a distraction. Jack managed to stay dry through the morning, but once he got playing with Lexi and Nate, he was totally unaware of when he needed to go. So the next three hours or so he had a few accidents, but at least it wore him out for the nap that afternoon!! Plus, seeing Lexi and Nate use the bathroom was good motivation for him.

During his nap, I managed to create a basic chart for him so he could put stickers up every time he was successful in using the potty. I quickly realized M&M's were going to be too much sugar, especially if he did it before naptime or bedtime, so my mom mentioned a chart and then letting him pick a toy out from the dollar store once he got enough stickers (I set the limit at 10). I thought that sounded like a good idea, so we did that! He liked getting to pick out the stickers to put on the doesn't take much to motivate this child :)

We had some more successes that afternoon after his cousins left, so I continued to feel pretty good about his progress! I still hadn't ventured out for more than 30 minutes yet so that we wouldn't be far from a bathroom, that outing was coming up for Wednesday...

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Kate- I'm so proud of you in your potty training enthusiasm! Way to go- you are doing such a great job. And remember, children never go to college in diapers. There is hope!