Saturday, November 15, 2008

A few more pictures

Just a few more pictures from week number two of life with baby Anna...I've quickly found Saturday's are one of the few times when I have time to update the blog right now, so posts may be a little sparse for a while.

Getting a little tired of mom taking so many pictures...

More flashy things...

Jack sharing his number 6 with Anna...

Haley ponding whether she should try to grab a quick lick...

A little hard to see, but she's got her finger up to her mouth like she's pondering deep thoughts in her slumber...I wonder what little ones think about??


Jennifer said...

She's adorable! Glad to see Jack is willing to share his toys... at least for now.

looneybinmom said...

Yeah, I'm not holding my breath that the toy sharing will continue indefinitely :)