Sunday, June 22, 2008

There is no learning curve....

I saw this article off CNN today called "8 Things No One Tells You About Being a Mom" that I think any mom would really identify with. At first I was skeptical that I would get much out of reading any parenting article off CNN of all places, but the author's first point really caught my attention: There is no learning curve.

She goes on to say:

"Rather, if you graphed it, it would just go up and up. By the time you master colic, it's over. All your smug expertise at changing diapers on an upright toddler becomes obsolete when she graduates to big-kid underwear. Net result: You never feel quite on top of things.

And although the firstborn breaks you in for the next, Number Two is usually so different in temperament, taste, or developmental pacing that what you learned the first time often doesn't work or apply. My oldest, Henry, would respond only to the loudest of shouts and severest of threats. But when I tried my hard-learned disciplinary tactics on next-in-line Eleanor, the slightest raised voice would make her quiver and tear up."

Boy is that the truth! It seems like you get a small window of time once you master breastfeeding to enjoy feeling like you actually know what you're doing before it's time to move on to rice cereal and solid foods, and then it's on to table food, etc etc. And I suppose I'm about to learn about baby number #2 being different than the first here in about 4 months or so!

The one great thing though about at least mastering something with your child, even if it's only for a short time, is that you can still pass those helpful hints on to other moms as their kids hit similar stages. I don't know what I'd do without my MOPS group, bible study group, playdates, this blog, and anything else where I've gotten to know other young moms! I've been encouraged and learned a lot of helpful hints from everyone else who has been in my shoes, and it's nice to feel like you can help someone else in return.

And on a completely different topic (which I am allowed to do without explanation given my pregnant state)...I am so happy to have discovered a wonderful Thai restaurant in the Woodlands called Ploy Thai Cuisine. If you like Thai, try it out...Yum....


E said...

You need to try Nit Noi Thai, it is sooooo much better!! I would eat there every night if we could. Yum!

looneybinmom said...

Hmmmm....I think I tried a Nit Noy down on 1960 somewhere, although I thought it was spelled differently, so maybe we're talking about two different places? My vote is for Ploy, I just wish the prices were a little lower on their lunch menu.

E said...

I think it is a chain, so they probably all taste about the same. Ploy is good too, and seems a little more authentic, but they are all pricey, I guess that is what keeps us from eating there everyday.