Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Boy this pregnancy has flown by...almost half way done! I was looking at a calendar yesterday as I was leaving my doctor's office and realized we're almost into July already. Suddenly November doesn't seem that far off!

It did make me start thinking about all the things left to do, and then I had a sudden moment of slight panic realizing I need to decide sometime soon whether I should go through the childbirth classes again with this baby so I can get signed up in time. What did you second time moms out there do?

We went through the classes with Jack, and even though I did go the epidural route with him, I still felt some comfort knowing that I had learned the breathing techniques in case an epidural had not been an option. Well, needless to say I'm a little rusty on them now...should I go through the classes again? I suppose I could dig out those old notes and look through them, but I think I'd break down laughing if I tried to "practice" by myself at home :)


The Wiggins Family said...

I did not take the classes second time around, but took a 10 week class for Carlee's birth. Fortunately God knew what I could handle and Zachary came very quickly (three hours). You do what you think you need. I'm sure a note refresher would be a good thing, but nothing really prepares you for that moment except Jesus.

Jennifer said...

I did not take the classes again. They wouldn't have done me any good this time as I ended up being induced and got my epidural before they even started on the pitocin. I didn't have to feel any contractions! :)

I chose not to take the classes because I'm cheap and didn't want to spend the money (or gas, or time away from my kid). I wouldn't have minded taking the infant CPR class again, but I didn't.

Glad to hear the pregnancy is going quickly for you!

looneybinmom said...

We did a 7 week class for Jack that was pretty helpful...I guess I'm leaning towards not doing them this time! Now that I think about it, maybe I'll make Bob dig out those old notes and look over them! That way he, acting as my labor "coach", can coach me through the breathing techniques if I need them this time around!

Yes, I'm liking that idea more and more...