Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vickie's Voodoo worked!

I mentioned in my last post that a friend of mine tried a trick with my wrist that will supposedly tell you the sex of your child(ren). Well, after finding out this morning that we're having a girl for baby numero dos, I must say that "Vickie's Voodoo Trick" (surprisingly named by Vickie herself) seems to have some merit to least in my case! I guess that still makes it very anecdotal, as with all the tricks to determine baby gender, but fun to try!

Anyway, the more this news has sunk in, the more excited I've become about it. For a long time I didn't have strong feelings either way about whether I wanted a girl or boy, but when I really started to think about it, I was quickly going to be outnumbered by three Looney men if this baby ended up as a boy. I already struggle enough now to get to see anything on television that ISN'T sports related between the hours of 5pm and 11pm, so it was really going to be tough once Jack and a little brother started vying for control as well. Phew, at least there is still hope for HGTV and occasional Weather Channel viewing (though I refuse to watch Abrams and Bettes...a subject for another post).

I was amazed at how many pictures the ultrasound tech took this morning. With Jack, we were in and out in about 10-15 minutes, but this one took about 30 minutes. Of course the only not so pleasant thing about an ultrasound is having to drink a bunch of water an hour before hand. The woman scheduling the appointment told me 32 ounces....HA! I maybe drank half that amount and was miserable. That's about as near to cruel and unusual punishment for a pregnant woman as you can get! Anyway, the baby looked great and we even got to see her with her hand up to her mouth, perhaps starting that thumb-sucking habit early on! She was very busy in there as well, which I think means my limit of calm children has been hit with Jack :)

My favorite response to this news was from a friend of ours in Austin who wrote Bob and I some notes now that he has a little daughter of his own:

"Note to Bob: That little girl will have you wrapped around her finger before you know it. Believe me...I know.

Note to Kate: When Bob says, "There is no need to buy yet another outfit for her," he is doing so because he doesn't understand that once she wears something once it can never be worn again due to the acidic qualities of female baby skin. At least that is what Erin tells me..."

I knew a clothing fund was a good idea to start now.....I wonder if Bob would believe me if I told him my skin never stopped being "acidic" as an excuse to shop for clothes?


Unknown said...

Congrats on your baby girl!! It really is wonderful to have someone to shop with and buy for! TJ is so dramatic! Lyla wears each of her outfits at least twice! he he he! The clothes fund is a wonderful idea! I wish I would have started one! We can't wait to hear what you've decided to name that precious little girl!

The Wiggins Family said...

What great pictures. She has cute little lips. My daughter is a thumb sucker as well. It beats the paci and trying to find it all the time. I'm sure she will steal her daddy's heart just as Jack steals yours. Let the shopping days begin. Have fun!

Jennifer said...

Congrats! My son is only 6 weeks old, but so far he is much easier than my daughter! Even if little girls are drama queens at 21 months old, they're worth every temper tantrum (I may not be saying this during the teenage years).

And just a little something that I've learned the last 6 weeks. There is nothing a sick toddler needs more than their mom, and that really doesn't mix well with a newborn who also needs nothing more than mom.

Good luck with everything! I hope the rest of your pregancy goes great.

Kami H said...

Oh YAY! That is so great! What cool ultrasound shots you got! I can't give you daughter advice - but I'd imagine that it would be a good idea to play down the "princess" stuff (that's seems to be on all the clothing, etc) - to try to quell the sass - but that's just a guess :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kate, Bob, and Jack! We found out we are having a girl too, and although I'm not sure what Frank thought at first, he is very excited now! And although my sister-in-law has given me enough hand-me-down clothes to get this baby through the first 6 months of her life, I have not let it stop me from shopping. I hope to see you soon.