Sunday, May 3, 2009

A surprise hitchhiker

A funny thing happened on the way to pick Jack up from MDO a few days ago...well, it's funny now, wasn't so funny then.

Anna was strapped in her seat and I was happily driving along the familiar route with the radio turned up. I was, of course, focused on the road ahead of me when all of the sudden I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye down near the floor on the passenger's side of my van.

It's a very strange feeling to know it's not just you and your child alone in the car anymore, so I quickly tried to decide whether I should pull over or not. Luckily a red light just up the road allowed me a brief scan of the floor to see what the culprit was: a large frog had somehow gotten into the van with us. Of course the light then turned green, so I had to quickly throw it back in gear and get on down the road. I figured, "Ok, the frog is over there, I've just got a few miles to go, I can make it up to the church and try to get him out in a more hospitable place". Now I like frogs, but I still had this creepy feeling just waiting for the little guy to come rub up against my leg before I could get him out.

I made it up to the church, pulled over, and threw open all of the van doors to try and shoo the frog into a nice, wooded area. And of course, he (or she?) was nowhere to be found. I looked under the seats, between the seats, in the kids' toy bin...nothing. Anna was looking at me quizzically wondering why the van had stopped, but she had not been lifted out of the car seat yet. I decided to just run up, get Jack, and maybe the frog would come out his hiding place.

After returning to car with Jack, I quickly scoured the van again for the frog with no luck. I was really NOT looking forward to driving home with the thought of a frog getting up under my feet at any moment, but I couldn't find him. Arrggg. Reluctantly I closed the van doors and mentally tried to prepare myself not to react in jerky way if the frog did decide to pay my side of the van a visit mid-trip.

I had almost made it home, but got caught at the last stoplight before our subdivision to make a left-turn (I was the first person in line). It was then that the frog decided he wanted to make friends and suddenly jumped up onto my foot/leg, which was on the brake. Yeah, that whole "Kate, don't react in a sudden manner" thing went totally out the window as I pulled my foot off the brake and began to role into the intersection while my light was still red. I accidentally hit the gas pedal and rolled a bit further before I found the brake again just in time. Little froggy guy was good and scared by then because he was long gone back somewhere in the van by the time I got home. Luckily I didn't hit anyone, or get hit!

After I got my heart rate back under control and the kids out of the van, I went back one more time to hunt him down. It was hot, and I really didn't want a dead frog in my car. It turns out he had hopped into the very back part of our van and was hanging out in the collapsed stroller, which I believe is probably how he made it into the car in the first place. By this time Bob was home, and he valiantly got the frog out of the car for me and safely into the grass.

I now check my stroller everytime I put it back in the van for any hitchhikers :)


The Wiggins Family said...

Oh my gosh Kate.. my feet are up and I am freaking out with you. There is no way I would have handled that gracefully. I've had a roach in the car b/c of a stroller, but never a frog. Anytime I see road kill outside the car, my feet go up and I am all disgusted. You can ask my husband. It's very unnerving! I'm glad you are ok.

Jennifer said...

Haha. That's a funny story! I'm so glad you didn't get hurt! Thanks for sharing your story with us :)

Roger said...

I guess the "Prayer of Eutychus" you employed really does work! :)
Check out how you can use it daily at (

Anonymous said...

This story cracked me up and made me cringe! I HATE frogs!!! I am sure I would have wrecked!