Friday, February 6, 2009

THE shower curtain

Ahh, some time to blog again :)

So here it is in all it's glory (I wish I could play some triumphant music in the background), my $90 Pottery Barn shower curtain! Looks an awful lot like a $10 shower curtain from Walmart or Target, huh? It was made in Israel though, so maybe that's what makes it so expensive?

My husband sarcastically threw a fit when I told him I bought plastic rings to hold it up. He said, "You spent $90 on a shower curtain and got cheap ($1!) plastic rings to hold it up?" I sarcastically told him I would be happy to drive back to Target and buy the nicer $15 hooks and he quickly backed down.

It's been a relatively uneventful last few weeks around here at least as far as the kids are concerned. We've managed to avoid more colds somehow, which has made a huge difference in everyone's outlook! I wish I could say the same for our dachshund Haley. She's been struggling since the first of the year with some kind of back problem. We're not sure what caused it because we can't remember any obvious incident where she injured herself. Bob accidentally caught her foot with his one time, but that probably didn't cause a back injury. Anyway, she's dragging her back right leg when she walks, which is a sign that a disk is pressing on her spinal cord to some degree. We had an x-ray done, but there wasn't anything out of the place in her spine that we could see with the vet. The next step would be a specialist and possibly surgery, but it's so expensive that it's not really an option for us. It's been really hard to watch her quality of life erode over the last month, though she still acts fairly happy. She's only five and half, so we didn't expect anything like this to ever bother her until she was much older. Steroids have helped somewhat, but haven't allowed her to regain complete control of her leg. It's really been depressing :( Even though we love her a lot, I feel silly asking for prayer for a dog when there are so many people struggling with tremendous obstacles in their lives!

Anyway, nap time approaches, let's hope I can get some nap time of my own today!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

It's cute Kate! Even if you did spend the equivalent of two nights out on it.