Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Relaxed but still on edge

Both Bob and I agree that we've been so much more relaxed this go around with baby Anna. Of course it helps tremendously that she's been a pretty happy baby so far and only cries when she's hungry or overtired. All of those issues that seemed to be a big deal with Jack, like whether to wake him up to feed him, whether he was getting enough milk, whether it was ok to let him sleep longer than 3 hours, whether we could try putting him to sleep on his side or tummy, etc. just don't stress us out. It's more of a go-with-the-flow attitude this time around and that has made a considerable difference in our stress levels for sure.

That being said, with two now the demands are definitely at least doubled...I know friends of ours have said that you get more than double the work with two kids, and some days it feels like that for sure. Despite being more relaxed in some ways, I still feel "on edge" a lot because I'm trying to anticipate my kids' needs all the time...When will Anna need her next feeding? What will Jack eat for lunch? Should I put Anna down to nap first or Jack? Do I have something to entertain Jack if we go out to eat (which isn't very often now)? Does Anna have everything she needs in her diaper bag? Extra diapers for Jack too? You moms know the list goes on and on! Everyday I more or less run through some combination of most of those questions and countless others.

I didn't really realize this though until last night when I was driving to dinner with my mother-in-law. Bob and his dad had the kids in our van, and Cindy and I took her van out to eat. So it was just her and I and....silence. It's amazing how deafening silence becomes to a mom...I literally had a fleeting moment of panic in my head when I realized how quiet it was in the car, like I had forgotten the kids or something had happened to them. There was no crying or talking or banging on toys or pulling down the sun shades on the windows and I didn't know what to do about it!! I'm so used to being in problem-solving mode as a mom (especially with two!) that I'm not good at relaxing and enjoying those fleeting times when I don't have any problems that need solving at the moment. I gotta get better at this!

So true to form, motherhood remains a continuous learning curve. A lot of things I worried about with Jack don't concern me with Anna, but having two has brought on it's own set of new challenges to tackle! Overall though, I'm enjoying it immensely.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A few more pictures

Just a few more pictures from week number two of life with baby Anna...I've quickly found Saturday's are one of the few times when I have time to update the blog right now, so posts may be a little sparse for a while.

Getting a little tired of mom taking so many pictures...

More flashy things...

Jack sharing his number 6 with Anna...

Haley ponding whether she should try to grab a quick lick...

A little hard to see, but she's got her finger up to her mouth like she's pondering deep thoughts in her slumber...I wonder what little ones think about??

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My "twins"

Greetings from the land of sleep-deprivation! I can't believe baby Anna has already been with us almost five days. She is such a precious little baby, I don't know why I was so concerned about having a girl because this child is simply wonderful. I've already had visions of fixing her hair and playing dress-up!

Labor and delivery was 110% better this time and I credit that to the many people who prayed for us during this time. I cannot thank you enough...this entire experience has been about as good as it can get. The hospital nurses were wonderful, I really liked my doctor this go around, labor and delivery overall was just easier this time, etc, etc. So far the biggest problem (and it's little in the grand scheme of things) has been some jaundice, but that's about it. Hmmm, maybe I could do this one more time :) No, I've decided to reserve judgement on any more kids until Anna is at least a year old.

I will say so far that I'm really glad we timed Jack and Anna the way we did...it's been a huge help that he can entertain himself fairly well with her at home. I think it would be difficult to have a 12-month old AND a new baby, but I know moms do this all the time.

Anyway...the "twins" crack is because of the amazing facial similarities between Jack and Anna. The first words out of my mouth when I saw Anna were "She looks just like Jack". So to prove my point, I took a picture of her right after we got home from the hospital in the same infant seat we brought Jack home in. See what you think.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

T-minus 12 hours and counting....

Well, so far tomorrow is looking like a go for my induction. My doctor told me she would call this evening if things were looking like there wouldn't be a bed available, but so far I haven't heard from her as of about 7:20. We'll know for sure though tomorrow morning at 5AM when I get up to call the hospital.

I hesitate to say I'm "ready", because you're never really ready for another child (or your first), but I do feel a lot more confident this time. I got all of the laundry done, Bob mowed the grass, we hit the grocery store this evening, and my toenails are a pretty shade of pink. Hey, if the rest of me is going to be a mess tomorrow, at the least my toenails can look good, right?

We're trying to enjoy our nice quiet house one last time this evening before heading to bed and getting up early tomorrow morning to start this new journey. I hope I can manage to sleep at least some of the time!

I'll post some pictures when I can...Looking forward to meeting you miss Anna!