Friday, September 5, 2008

MBS strikes again

I wrote a post awhile back talking about symptoms of MBS, or Mommy Brain Syndrome, and how every mom comes down with this at some point in their journey through motherhood (especially the sleep-deprived months). Well, it's hitting me again big time, and it just occurred to me that this is coinciding nicely with the downhill trend in restful sleep I've had over the last few weeks as the third trimester progresses....

Yesterday we were running out the back door of our house to grab a quick bite to eat before our small group. Guess I got some wires crossed in the ol' noggin again, because I quickly became puzzled by why our van suddenly started making a fairly repetitive honking sound as Bob was putting Jack in his carseat. Then I realized I was aiming the keyless entry remote for our van at the back of our house, hoping to lock the back door. Let's just say I wore my hair color proudly yesterday, folks.

At least it made for a good laugh. Now that I think about it, perhaps it's the next million dollar idea...wouldn't it be great to have keyless entry for the back door of your house too when you have groceries on one arm and a toddler on the other arm? I'm sure someone has already done it somewhere. Oh well.


The Wiggins Family said...

I wish I could say that it goes away with time, but I had a major brain fart this weekend and I'm still puzzled by it. Atleast, it makes for a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

I will make you feel better too. A couple of weekends ago my sister-in-law and her 3 year old daughter went to my mom and dad's with us. We were at lunch one afternoon and Cori was eating green olives. My dad asked her if she knew what olives were, and she said no. He proceeds to tell her that they are turtle heads, simply entertaining the 3 year old. Well I, with my mommy brain, say, "Are they really?" Seriously... did I just ask that and mean it?!?!?!

looneybinmom said...

Yes...along with the fuzzy brain comes the klutziness factor as well. I can't seem to grab anything properly any more without sending that object to the floor.

Jennifer said...

My parents had a keyless entry to their house! I think all the remotes are dead by now... mine died when I threw my keys out of anger at my old job. I don't throw things when I'm angry, so I must have been really mad...

The only problem I found with it was that it was pretty sensitive, at least the garage door part of the remote. So if it was sitting in your purse and you were digging in your purse for something, you might open or close the garage door.

Unknown said...


that made my day Kate.

I still have MBS!