Friday, May 16, 2008

Sleeping arrangements

Ok, I need some more advice from you moms of multiples out there...Jack will be right around 23 months when baby number #2 comes along in November, and I'm trying to decide what to do about sleeping arrangements for him and the baby since I've heard I don't want to try and transition him to a bed with a young baby at the same time.

We bought Jack one of the convertible cribs, and so far he's still happily sleeping away in it. I think the answer would be more obvious to me if he was scaling the crib walls every night, but he's quite content to sleep in it right now. I'm hesitant to switch him to a bed too early, because a lot of moms have mentioned that naps tend to dwindle once a child can get in and out of bed him or herself. I love nap time!

Right now I'm leaning towards keeping him in the crib and worrying about the transition after the baby comes, unless he shows signs of being ready for a different bed here in the next few months. I suppose we could buy another convertible crib for baby number #2, that way I don't have to worry about moving Jack out of his too soon. The one we have now has held up really well and was a pretty good deal, so money wise it's an option if we could find a similarly priced crib.

When did you transition your child to a toddler or twin bed? Any tips on how to do it?



Kami H said...

We don't have more than one child - but we moved him to a twin bed a couple of weeks ago. He never tried climbing out of his crib and loved his crib - our reason revolves more around potty training. We plan to potty train him this summer and wanted him to be able to get out of bed when he needs to. He LOVES his "big boy bed" and doesn't get out of it (so far) until we come to get him. It does take him a little longer to get to sleep but that is mostly because he isn't used to having a comforter, etc. I think he will get used to it though. We also got him some sheets/comforter with construction equipment so he is super excited about that. As far as how we did it - we just talked about it for a few weeks (not sure he understood) and then he watched us put his bed together and that's all it took for him - he LOVES his bed

The Wiggins Family said...

Carlee was a little more than 2 when we moved her to a big bed and we did it before Zachary came b/c we needed the crib for him. Plus, we wanted to give her enough time to get adjusted to her bed and get used to not being in a crib anymore. She did great and never got out of bed. I'm sure Jack will be able to stay in a bed if he's not scaling the crib already. It is another thing to worry about though when going to a big bed. We check on Carlee every night to make sure she is in the middle of the bed. Sometimes, she is sideways and all covered up sweating. It's pretty funny! You will make the right decision for Jack you know him better than anyone else.

Jennifer said...

We moved Kenzie to a toddler bed at about 18 months. My goal was to have her out of the crib a couple of months before the baby came so that she didn't have too much change at once (we were really expecting it to not work and ready to buy a new crib). I also wanted her out soon enough so that hopefully she forgets that she ever even slept in the crib. Colby will still be in our room for at least a couple more months, so that gives at least 5 months to forget. We moved her to the toddler bed cold turkey. I am glad we started with a toddler sized bed instead of a twin because I think the twin would have been rather overwhelming for her at this age. We have found her on the floor a couple of times, once completely surrounded by every toy she could get to in her room. I think she's done well and if I had to do it all over again, I'd do it the exact same way (with her at least... I know I wouldn't be able to do it the same with any other kid). And it's so cute to see them climb into their own bed!!