Friday, May 23, 2008

The Hazards of Carseats

I have officially discovered how to make myself feel like a horrible mother in about 3 seconds...pinch my son's leg in his carseat buckle :(

I've always been pretty cautions about buckling him in the carseat for that very reason (or burning him with the hot metal piece during the summer), but somehow it just managed to happen a few days ago before I left with my mom for Target. The poor little guy got the most surprised look on his face, which quickly turned to into one of those my-mouth-is-open-wide-but-nothing-is-coming-out know, the kind where your child is so upset nothing comes out at first, but when it does, plug your ears!

Not that I blame him at all. Even a little pinch of skin can hurt pretty good, especially for a little kid. It's one thing when your child is sick or hurt and there's nothing you can do about it, but it's another thing when you're the one that caused the pain! Boy did I feel rotten that morning!

The beauty of young children though is that they still have very short memories, and soon enough he forgot all about the accident and returned to his sweet self. I on the other hand required a little more time :)


Kami H said...

I did this to ryan once in the stroller - i felt terrible afterward. I've also injured him by cutting the skin instead of his nail - on his thumb that he sucks (so no comfort) on his first birthday - talk about anguish (mostly for me)!

looneybinmom said...

Yeah, been there done that on the nail thing too!