Monday, January 28, 2008

Spaghetti dinner..the de facto dunk-me-in-the-bath meal for toddlers

What is it about Spaghetti dinner that beckons even the seemingly innocuous child to go from clean to meat-sauce drenched in 2.3 seconds, and every mom (ok, maybe just me) to whip out the digital camera to document the event? Sure, for those kids out there who make dinner messes every night, this is a given if you're going to serve spaghetti, but not for Jack.

This is the child who studied every square inch of his first birthday cake loaded with bright blue icing before carefully pinching off a small piece of it in his hand, studying it some more, and then managing to get the piece in his mouth without one shred of bright blue icing smearing anywhere on his face. Meanwhile his cousin Nathan, who also turned one a few days before, had quickly devoured his own piece of birthday cake and was trying to dive into Jack's as well. So Jack could navigate the perils of messy blue icing, but not the spaghetti and meat sauce...needless to say bathtime was a little longer this evening :)

What about you, what is your messiest dinner story?


Kami H said...

I'm so glad you are blogging! YAY! We strip Ryan down to his diaper each time there is anything with red sauce involved - but boy does he LOVE it!

looneybinmom said...

Yeah, you'd think we would have learned by now to just remove Jack's clothing before a messy meal...