Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feeling better and a girly girl

The Looney household has had a bit of a rough patch the last two weeks or so with the gift that keeps on giving: germs. It made blogging the last thing on my mind, so it's nice to have some time to do it again!

It started off with a stomach bug that Anna brought home and then kindly passed off to Bob and Jack. I think I got a watered down version of it, but still felt a bit crummy myself. And then the congestion set in...immediately after she was done with stomach issues, Anna sported a runny nose and wet cough. The congestion was clear, so I didn't think much about it and figured it would clear up on it's own. After a week and a half of it, plus a really cranky afternoon with Anna, I called her pediatrician and made an appointment the next day. Turns out she had a double ear infection with a burst ear drum in her right ear. about a HUGE dose of mommy guilt that I hadn't taken her in sooner. Her doctor mentioned that in 99 out of 100 other kids, they would have been screaming bloody murder at that point. In other words, it's usually much more obvious (which only slightly relieved my guilt). I guess Anna has a happy disposition and high tolerance for pain! Lesson learned!! Jack also had an ear infection, so both of them have been on antibiotics plus a nebulizer for Anna to help clear up the wheezing/cough. I think we're just about all back to normal now, but it made for a really tough 14 day stretch leading up to Christmas.

Now, on a more positive note:

So obviously we've known we have a girl for oh, about 14 months now...but it REALLY hit us Christmas day. My sister found this fabulous blue tutu with zebra print lining for Anna and she absolutely loved it!! I'll have to get a better picture without the clashing green onesie on, but you get the picture :) She also got a My First Purse which contained a pink bracelet that she wears all over the place now. Dress-up here we come!! It was so fun to see her so excited about all of it. I remember being a little apprehensive about having a girl when I was pregnant just because I don't deal well with drama, but it has been such a blessing to have one of each!

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