Friday, September 26, 2008

33 week update

I've officially hit the is-this-over-yet stage now. I'm quiet excited to meet this baby, but my feelings stem more from the fact that I can no longer sleep very well. I am keenly aware that once she comes, sleep will still be elusive, but at least when I lay down to catch some zzz's after she's born, I won't feel like someone is squeezing my hips together in a vice. All of the other pregnancy symptoms are usually pretty tolerable, but once you can't sleep very well, everything else seems magnified about a hundred times!

Just had a doctor's appointment this morning and everything continues to look and sound good. We'll do one more ultrasound in 3 weeks and hopefully she'll still be head down. My doctor said she would consider inducing me around 38 1/2 weeks, which sounds great as far as I'm concerned. That would put a potential induction date sometime around November 1st, whohoo!!!

The other wonderful thing she did today was to prescribe some Ambien to try and help me sleep a little better through the rest of this....let's hope it works because I'm running out of options (couch, glider, pillows don't seem to be helping) and walking around like a zombie each morning with a toddler just isn't that much fun!

On a more positive note, it is absolutely wonderful to have power again!


Jennifer said...

Glad to hear everything is okay. My mother-in-law finally got her power on Tuesday evening, then Wednesday it was out again due to a blown transformer.

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but be careful with Ambien... it apparently can have some really strange side effects including sleep walking, sleep eating and sleep driving - and you have no idea that you did it. I guess it's rare, but I personally don't see how it's okay for people to sleep-drive, but they take Seldane (a really good allergy drug) off the market because it killed a few people... I really liked Seldane.

Good luck! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and that little Miss Anna starts treating you better... and since 37 weeks is considered full term, I'll be crossing my fingers that she comes on her own then.

The Guess Family said...

I became familiar with Ambien at the end of my pregnancy with Addison and then again at the end with Reagan! I am sure we will meet again around the 3rd trimester with this baby! It is AMAZING. I stil never got a perfect night of sleep, but with it, I could at least rest a few solid hours. Good luck!

starlightmommy said...

November 2nd is a great day to be born :)

looneybinmom said...

Yeah, I have not touched the Ambien yet and won't unless absolutely needed.