Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Starting over

A friend of mine emailed me today asking about sleeping suggestions for her 2 week-old baby who apparently sleeps just fine when he's held, but won't sleep more than an hour if he's laid down in the crib. It made me realize just how far Jack has come in 19 months, and how much I already take for granted that he can do on his own! I'm mentally preparing myself to start this whole process all over again with the new baby come November, oh boy!

It's easy to focus on what he either can't do or can't do well yet, like eat with utensils without too much mess, walk down the stairs, dress himself, swim, or use the potty. But, when I think of my friends who have just had new little babies, I'm reminded of just how much he CAN do now, and how much easier it's made our life. The sleeping thing is huge, it's great that we can put him down around 7:30 and not hear from him until 6:30 the next morning, plus one consistent nap in the afternoon. It's nice that he can feed himself reasonably well and eat a variety of foods so that we're not constantly having to make him a separate meal of baby food. It's nice he can walk/run pretty well so that I don't have to carry him everywhere. And it's really wonderful that he can entertain himself more now and communicate better with us using the words he's learning each day.

It's really been a lot of fun to watch him grow up and it's amazing how much they learn in a short time! Now, if I could just get him potty trained by the time Anna gets here....yes I know, a girl can dream can't she?


The Wiggins Family said...

I loved it when Zachary slept on my chest like that. It was so sweet! It made me so relaxed having him on me. Treasure it for all it's worth! Those days will be gone in a flash. Zachary now sleeps 11 hours in his crib and it took 10 months for that to happen. Thank you Lord that both my kids sleep through the night. The less I worried about it and the more I trusted God to give me the sleep I needed the better it was. Did you know it actually says in Ps. 127:2 that He gives sleep to the ones He loves. I know that was for all those nursing moms and pregant moms. Cling to that promise!

looneybinmom said...

I remember that from the Beth Moore study we did. Yet again we take for granted another blessing from God...I had never looked at sleep that way until we talked about that verse. I sure look at it differently now!!