Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The inverse relationship of hormones and rational thinking

I like to think I'm a pretty rational person, usually driven more by logic than my emotional state, but I honestly don't think I can label myself that way anymore here at almost 29 weeks. There are officially too many hormones cruising around my bloodstream now...

Case in point: I've convinced myself that I'm not going to make it to my original due date of November 10th. Here's my rationale: I look like a tub. And because I, as a pregnant, hormonal woman, think I look like a tub, I must be further along than I really am, right?

Now the logical side of me tries hard to fight this thought. After all, I specifically mentioned to my doctor that I felt I looked about 4 weeks further along than I am and she told me I was measuring right on schedule (27 1/2 inches at 27 weeks). On top of that, she mentioned that it's pretty common to "look pregnant sooner" or "look more pregnant" with a second baby because of the lack of abdominal muscle tension following a first pregnancy (which deep down I know too). And my weight gain has been right on track as well and pretty similar to what I experienced with Jack.

Yet I still have visions of large bathtubs floating through my head. I'm not sure how it's possible (maybe that lack of muscle tension thing), but it seems as if I'm carrying even higher and further out with Anna than I did with Jack, and I definitely had the she-swallowed-a-basketball look by 9 months with him. At the rate I perceive my belly to be growing, I think it may be changed to she-swallowed-a-watermelon by the time November roles around. My body just likes to carry babies way that way I guess, but I'm afraid if we were ever to have a third that my lungs would cease to have room to expand and I would not be able to sit in a booth at a restaurant anymore.

Really I think this is all wishful thinking on my part. The last trimester is where time seems to slow down and you forget what it's like to be able to roll over in bed in under 5 seconds, pick up something you've dropped on the floor without contorting your body to do it, and not wince from lower back/hip pain. Ahhh, the blessings of being pregnant :)

Thanks for letting me vent! On a positive note, I am very excited to meet this little girl, so I'd be quite content if she decided to come a little earlier (but not TOO much earlier) than November 10th!


E said...

You won't believe me, but I think you look great, and you are not as big as a tub, even though you think you are. Pregnancy agrees with you!


looneybinmom said...

Aww, thanks for those kind words Erin :) I guess that last post read more like a pity-party than I wanted them to. Just needed to vent a little. In the grand scheme of things I know this "tub feeling" is fleeting and so unimportant compared to the sweet little baby getting bigger each day!