Friday, May 30, 2008

Let the baby gymnastics begin...

I was just sitting here at the computer finishing up some work and realized my lower abdomen was twitching an awful lot this afternoon...guess baby Looney number two is getting big enough to make those internal gymnastic sessions every baby engages in known now! How exciting!

I first started noticing those light sensations about a week ago, which was right about when I first noticed them with Jack (14 weeks) as well, though I would classify Jack's movement as feeling more like little flutters than this baby's. Either way though, it's always reassuring to begin to feel movement, especially now that the belly has popped out! I'm not sure how everyone else progressed in their tummy poppage, but mine sure seemed to go from just a thickening to noticeable little bump in just a few days. With Jack it seemed to be a steadier progression, but the details are a little fuzzy now!

Many people have asked the standard "Do you want a boy or a girl" question and I really never had a good answer with this baby like I did with Jack. With him I just really wanted a boy first, and that worked out great for us! I often joke that I've been hesitant to have a girl knowing what many little girls turn into during the teenage years (having gone through it myself), but after attending a few baby showers of friends having girls this go around, I'm kind of leaning that way! Besides, they get all the cute clothes right? Of course though a boy would be fabulous too.

I'm not much into all the old wives tales about how to tell the sex of the baby, but a friend of mine did show me this unusual trick the other day: She turned my left hand over so the palm was facing up and pressed on the lower part of my hand towards my arm to see if a little bump appeared on my wrist (I guess from a little extra skin there?). Sure enough it did (actually two small bumps appeared), so she tried the other wrist (my right hand) and a bump popped up there too. Apparently the left hand is the "girl" hand and if a bump (or more) pops up, that means one or more of your children will be a girl, and the right hand is the "boy" hand, and if one or more bumps pop there, one of more of your children will be a boy. Well, I've got one boy with Jack so that covers the right hand, so the two bumps on my left hand apparently mean that a girl (or two?) is/are next in line depending on how many kids we end up having. I'm sticking with two for now!

Less than two weeks until the next ultrasound to determine baby gender, whohoo!

1 comment:

Kami H said...

If that trick is true - I'll have 3 boys and 1 and half girls! Yikes!