Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You want me to spend how much on a pair of kids shoes?

I need some advice in this area from all you moms who have older kids: where did you buy your children's shoes?

Jack has had 2 pairs of shoes since he started pseudo-walking and I think the most I paid for either pair was about $12. The first ones were the soft, slip-on kind that look like little slippers. For the next pair, we moved up to something with a touch more sole support in them and a velcro latch (which I do NOT recommend if your child enjoys his toes seeing the sunshine...way too easy to get off).

In my never-ending state of denial that I can actually do something to jumpstart his solo walking, I thought maybe I should invest in a better quality pair of shoes for him. So my mom and I ran down to Imagination Toys this morning to look at some Stride Rite shoes.

The saleswoman was quite helpful and measured his feet for me, then recommended a pair to try on him that would fit his stage of walking. Apparently with a child that's not quite walking yet, a softer shoe is recommended so they retain some flexibility in their step. As they get better at walking, a sturdier sole can be used for more arch support. Anyway, we tried a cute pair on him that fit really well. I just knew when she told me the price I was going to have a hard time swallowing it, and I was right: $44. My next question to her was how long I could anticipate that pair fitting him before he outgrew them, and she said about 2-3 months.

$44 seems pretty steep for something he'll be wearing for just a few months, not to mention scuffing up outside. I could go buy a pair of Sketchers for myself for that kind of money (and they'd last me a lot longer than 2-3 months)!

So maybe I'm missing something...I know Stride Rite is a quality brand, but how good are they really? Is a $44 pair of shoes for a toddler really that much better than say a $15 or $20 pair? Are there other brands out there worth looking into?

I'm all ears!!


Tuck said...

Two words-- "Yard Sale"

The Guess Family said...

Hey Kate!!! I sucked it up and bought the stride rites for Addison while she was learning to walk. The good news is that Reagan is wearing them now, so at least I am getting double for my money. I did discover that the Marshalls in The Woodlands carrys tons of Stride Rites, and you already had him professionally measured. If you go and don't see any, check back as they get shipments every few days. They are usually &12-$20 there.
Good luck!!!

Kami H said...

Ryan wore the Robeez and the Pediped brand for the first few months after he started walking. They are supposed to be able to feel the ground to help them balance and walk correctly. I've never had Stride Rite shoes. Every time I go to buy Ryan shoes or clothes now I'm so surprised at how much everything is - from baby to toddler is a big jump in price.

E said...

Ok, I think they are worth the price, but that is why my kids each only have one pair of shoes (that aren't crocs). Also, I bought a pair of Stride Rite shoes one time, and Brandon grew out of them 2 weeks later, they replaced them for me for free. But like Kim said, marshalls is a good option, and they last forever, so they can be passed down to the next little Looney!!


Jennifer said...

I decided that while my daughter was learning to walk, it couldn't hurt to get the Stride Rites. I couldn't stand the ones that they recommended for her stage, so we went one stage higher for cuter shoes. She did just fine in them... and she's actually been wearing them for about 6 months. I think it's about time that we move on to the next size, and I plan on buying all the rest of her shoes from Wal-Mart or Target.

I do like the Marshall's idea though. I'm going to have to check them out myself!

looneybinmom said...

Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely check out Marshall's for sure! I like the fact Stride Rite replaced your sons shoes Erin too after they grew out of them so quickly. And like I said, I have no doubt they're a quality brand, I just had a little sticker shock :)

Brittany B said...

My doctor actually told me that Target has a knock off brand that are as good as Stride Rites. I have bought Ethan the same shoes in two different sizes from Target because I like them so much.

The Chappelles said...

Gotta tell ya, when Caleb was little all he wore was Target shoes. We could not afford the nicer brands. His feet turned out just fine. Since then, I have found Marshalls and Sarah has reaped the benefits...

Kami H said...

I went to Marshalls because of your blog! They were right - there are stride rite shoes there - some where $10 and some where around $15. They didn't have Ryan's size - but it is nice to know for the future (I think TJ Max is the same thing too). You are making a difference with your blog! ;)